What’s not in Zimbra v8
There are lots of fantastic new features in Zimbra version 8, but also a few key items which have been removed
Instant Messaging
This was a beta feature which Zimbra have decided not to continue developing and they have removed. NB – We are able to offer a separate IM server which allows users to login using their Zimbra username and password.
Child Accounts
These are no longer supported due to the fact that Zimbra 8 includes sharing enhancements which make it possible to achieve similar functionality to that offered by Child Accounts.
The following Zimlets are no longer included:
- com_zimbra_coloredemails
- com_zimbra_email2doc
- com_zimbra_emaildownloader
- com_zimbra_emailreminder
- com_zimbra_gtranslator
- com_zimbra_ignoremsgs
- com_zimbra_linkedin
- com_zimbra_local
- com_zimbra_sforce
- com_zimbra_social
- com_zimbra_stickynotes
- com_zimbra_travelagent
- com_zimbra_wikipedia
- com_zimbra_amzn